神龛 The Spirit Shrine
1-2-2. THE SPIRIT SHRINE神龛When I spend the rains retreat in Bangkok, a soldier ordained and lived with me. He told me that at home there was a spirit shrine and his parents revered it. I taught him what convention is and that ghosts don't hav...
礼敬佛陀 Paying Homage To The Buddha
1-2-5. PAYING HOMAGE TO THE BUDDHA礼敬佛陀Once, I gave a talk at a ceremony, I was sitting on the high seat. Laypeople brought in flowers and lighted candles and incense . It made me feel so hot, that I asked them : 'Why are you doing this ?&...
第二个障碍 The Second Obstacle
Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道 2-2-1. Practicing Dhamma 修习佛法 2-2-1-3. The Second Obstacle 第二个障碍 The second obstacle in developing insight is that when we begin to understa...
教外之法门 Things Outside of Buddhi
2-1-1. Developing Awareness is The Path That the Buddha Teaches 培养觉性是佛陀教导的道路2-1-1-1. Things Outside of Buddhism 教外之法门 Making merit, being generous, keeping precepts and doing tranquility–meditation are a p...
果报:当下的天堂与涅槃 The Fr
1-3-3. THE FRUIT : HEAVEN AND NIBBANA IN THE PRESENT果报:当下的天堂与涅槃When talking about fruits and results, we tend to think about heaven and Nibbana. We tend to think that someone who does good, must go to heaven and someone who does...
断烦恼执着的阶位:二禅 The st
Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段 2-3-4. WORKING WITH THE MIND第二阶段:对治自心修习阶段 (或看念头(心)修习阶段) 2-3-4-2. The stage of destroying clinging : the second Jhana 断...
正确培养觉知的果报 The Results
Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-1. Taking a Shortcut 直取快捷方式 2-1-3. The Results Of Developing Awareness In The Right Way 正确培养觉知的果报 A. Cleanliness As Result 清净为果 [So each of the practices,...
毘婆舍那与平静 Vipassana and Peac
Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道 2-2-1. Practicing Dhamma 修习佛法 2-2-1-1. Vipassana and Peace毘婆舍那与平静 (Vipassana 毘婆舍那) In practicing Dhamma, even though one ma...
教内之教导 The Teachings inside Bud
2-1-1-4. The Teachings inside Buddhism 教内之教导The word VIPASSANA translates as realizing and truly seeing. Seeing what? Seeing impermanence, instability and non-selfhood. When having insight, one views things differently than before. It is a ...
教外之教导 Teachings Outside of Bud
2-1-1-3. Teachings Outside of Buddhism 教外之教导...